Funeral Plans

Peace of mind is something that is hard to come by when faced with the death of a loved one. Making funeral plans after someone’s passing is arguably the toughest experience any of us will ever go through, but you can ease that burden by taking out a funeral plan in advance.

Birds Family Funeral Directors offer Open funeral plans which will bring a level of comfort during this difficult time. You can choose the funeral plan you want, paying for it at today’s prices, relieving your family of any financial uncertainty and any extra distress.

By having everything arranged for you, including your choice of funeral director, the type of service and the funeral costs themselves, your loved ones will have less to worry about, knowing that your funeral arrangements will be handled with compassion, care and professionalism.

With a Open funeral plan, you can be sure that, once you’ve paid for your plan, there will be no more to pay for the services of your funeral directors — no matter how much prices may have risen.

Each plan also includes an allowance to cover the third party costs that are not within your funeral Directors’ control. These include the fees for the crematorium, doctors and clergy. Only if these costs were to increase more than the growth of the plan might there be a balance to pay at the time of the funeral

We urge anyone in the Coxheath and Maidstone areas to talk to us about arranging a funeral plan, bringing peace of mind to you and your family.

Call us today on 01622 692 949